Russian Su-34 aircraft flew close to Sweden for the first time ever during the "Zapad" (West) drills in September.
Looking back at Sweden´s security in 2013 there occured serious events courtesy of the Russian Armed Forces that still, after many months, have not really been explained.
On April 22 the Swedish quality newspaper Svenska Dagbladet reported that two Russian Tu-22M3 nuclear-capable bomber aircraft escorted by four Su-27 fighters had performed night time drills about 35 kilometres from the Swedish border the night of March 29/30. Choosing to stage air drills with nuke bombers 35 kilometres from Sweden may sound serious enough, but several Swedish military sources have since stated that the Russian aircraft had also been simulating attacks on two military targets located inside Sweden, one near Stockholm and one in southern Sweden. The Swedish Air Force did not react. But two Danish F-16 fighters did.
The Polish Centre for Eastern Studies commented i.a.:
"The lack of a reaction from the Swedish Air Force to the Russian exercises proves that this most important branch of the Swedish Armed Forces has structural problems and may be unable to cope with all the tasks it has been entrusted with."
"Russia resumed flights of strategic bombers capable of carrying nuclear warheads in the High North in 2007 and in the Baltic region in 2011 (in international airspace). However, the manoeuvres of 29/30 March were probably the first Russian exercises to simulate a direct attack on Sweden since the end of the Cold War."
In September , during the larger-than-promised "Zapad" (West) drills, Russian Su-34 aircraft flew close to Sweden for the first time ever and the military of Belarus released a clip (see below) showing elite soldiers from Russia and Belarus confronting an unarmed Swedish Gripen (in recce configuration) that was observing the drills.
In October there was a similar event to the one on 29/30 March, but this time the Swedish Air Force reacted (was allowed to react).
However, the Swedish government has still not really explained why, in its view, these most unusual events occured. The Russian Air Force could have chosen a billion other places for air drills with nuke bombers, yet for some reason chose an area a few heartbeats from Sweden.
Nor has our government, as far as I know, seriously commented on any of these events:
* Two Finnish presidents, one minister of defence and a number of Finnish defence experts have openly spoken out against Sweden´s lack of defence.
* Our closest neighbours, the Norwegians, have during 2013 enlarged conscription both in quality and for some units also in length of service.
* In late 2013 the new Norwegian government announced that it has ordered the establishment of a mostly professional rapid-response unit in Setermoen above the Arctic Circle.
* The Finnish Ministry of Defence in late 2013 confirmed that it wishes to purchase 100 Leopard tanks from the Netherlands in a version more modern than what Sweden has. BTW in 2012 Finland purchased missile systems more advanced than anything in the inventory of any other Nordic state.
Now, concerning the coming year, here are some less reported news items/analysis from 2013 that I believe will affect the world in 2014:
"Putin says new post-Soviet union ready for 2015 launch"
"Can a China-Russia Axis Bankrupt the US?"
"French polls show surge in support for far-right National Front"
"Marine Le Pen was recieved by Russian Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin" (in French, who has seen any news item at all in English about this?)
"US Navy predicts summer ice free Arctic by 2016"
The russian Navy and elite soldiers from Russia and Belarus confronting an unarmed Swedish Gripen (in recce configuration) during the "Zapad" drills in the Baltic.
About Me
- Lars Gyllenhaal
- Author, film researcher and member of the Swedish Military History Commission.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
New Stalingrad Movie Looks Incredible
Russia´s first 3D and IMAX movie, "Stalingrad".
After having followed the production and seen the new trailer I must say I am extremely keen to see the whole film, which premiered in Russia two days ago.
Even if you do not speak Russian you should also see this review as it has a number of still photographs from the film that in themselves are pieces of art.
Interestingly, the German actor Thomas Kretschmann, who portrayed Hermann Fegelein in "Downfall" and before that Hans von Witzland in the German 1993 movie "Stalingrad", also is in the new Russian "Stalingrad". The official website of the new movie is well worth visiting.
After having followed the production and seen the new trailer I must say I am extremely keen to see the whole film, which premiered in Russia two days ago.
Even if you do not speak Russian you should also see this review as it has a number of still photographs from the film that in themselves are pieces of art.
Interestingly, the German actor Thomas Kretschmann, who portrayed Hermann Fegelein in "Downfall" and before that Hans von Witzland in the German 1993 movie "Stalingrad", also is in the new Russian "Stalingrad". The official website of the new movie is well worth visiting.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Better Than Bond
Clip mentioning why there are so many cool skiing scenes in Bond movies.
The SOE, No. 30 Commando and various other British James Bond-type units of World War II, where did they all come from? How did they get highly experienced people? A new book by Linda Parker provides more than a few clues.
The origin of the multitude of British special forces and commando units of WWII has been explained by the defeats that Britain experienced in 1939-40. The defeats made the British so desperate that they were willing to try anything new. Well, that explains how the units were allowed to start operating, but not how the units so quickly could be filled with men highly experienced in truly extreme navigation and survival.
Linda Parker has now written the book that provides the answer, and also is a very entertaining read. The title is Ice, Steel and Fire and it lets you follow several amazing British explorers from the most exciting expeditions imagineable to their very active participation in WWII special operations. Personally, Peter Fleming is my favourite, but not just because it turns out he is at least as exciting as his brother Ian of James Bond fame. Of course, Peter Fleming´s first WWII mission was special reconnaissance in Norway...
Sweden too, of course, is part of the book - in the form of two of the main characters. George Binney, the author of With Seaplane and Sledge in the Arctic (1925), during WWII became a blockade buster to procure Swedish ball bearings for Britain. From having been a record-breaking Greenland explorer and an assistant military attaché in Sweden, Andrew Croft did daring naval special operations work for SOE in the Med, i.a. with captured Italian MAS boats.
If you like Indian Jones-style explorers, British special forces and want to know why Bond movies have so many cool skiing scenes, then Ice, Steel and Fire is for you.
The SOE, No. 30 Commando and various other British James Bond-type units of World War II, where did they all come from? How did they get highly experienced people? A new book by Linda Parker provides more than a few clues.
The origin of the multitude of British special forces and commando units of WWII has been explained by the defeats that Britain experienced in 1939-40. The defeats made the British so desperate that they were willing to try anything new. Well, that explains how the units were allowed to start operating, but not how the units so quickly could be filled with men highly experienced in truly extreme navigation and survival.
Linda Parker has now written the book that provides the answer, and also is a very entertaining read. The title is Ice, Steel and Fire and it lets you follow several amazing British explorers from the most exciting expeditions imagineable to their very active participation in WWII special operations. Personally, Peter Fleming is my favourite, but not just because it turns out he is at least as exciting as his brother Ian of James Bond fame. Of course, Peter Fleming´s first WWII mission was special reconnaissance in Norway...
Sweden too, of course, is part of the book - in the form of two of the main characters. George Binney, the author of With Seaplane and Sledge in the Arctic (1925), during WWII became a blockade buster to procure Swedish ball bearings for Britain. From having been a record-breaking Greenland explorer and an assistant military attaché in Sweden, Andrew Croft did daring naval special operations work for SOE in the Med, i.a. with captured Italian MAS boats.
If you like Indian Jones-style explorers, British special forces and want to know why Bond movies have so many cool skiing scenes, then Ice, Steel and Fire is for you.
Thursday, September 05, 2013
Did Obama Sleep In Patton's Stockholm Room?
The Patton that people know best vs. the real Patton.
President Barack Obama this morning woke up in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Swedish media have missed a historic aspect of this. The last time the Swedish capital had such a grand American visit the guest stayed in the same hotel, perhaps even in the same suite?
That time was 1945 and the guest was General George S. Patton and his room door in the Grand Hotel was guarded by a black soldier. President Obama has on several occasions mentioned that his grandfather "marched with Patton". The guard by the door was not Obama's grandfather though, I have checked this. Still, a rather nice irony that Patton and Obama stayed in the same hotel, perhaps even the same VIP-suite?
I have interviewed one of the Swedish officers that Patton met in Stockholm, and collected a number of articles about the visit and all of the best stuff is in my book Germans And Allies In Sweden which also deals with the forgotten US military bases in Sweden 1944-45 and many other previously secret and still largely unknown aspects of Swedish WWII history.
BTW I am fully aware that one serving US president has visited Sweden inbetween Patton's 1945 visit and Obama's ongoing visit. This was George W. Bush. But Bush visited Gothenburg, not Stockholm.
President Barack Obama this morning woke up in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm. Swedish media have missed a historic aspect of this. The last time the Swedish capital had such a grand American visit the guest stayed in the same hotel, perhaps even in the same suite?
That time was 1945 and the guest was General George S. Patton and his room door in the Grand Hotel was guarded by a black soldier. President Obama has on several occasions mentioned that his grandfather "marched with Patton". The guard by the door was not Obama's grandfather though, I have checked this. Still, a rather nice irony that Patton and Obama stayed in the same hotel, perhaps even the same VIP-suite?
I have interviewed one of the Swedish officers that Patton met in Stockholm, and collected a number of articles about the visit and all of the best stuff is in my book Germans And Allies In Sweden which also deals with the forgotten US military bases in Sweden 1944-45 and many other previously secret and still largely unknown aspects of Swedish WWII history.
BTW I am fully aware that one serving US president has visited Sweden inbetween Patton's 1945 visit and Obama's ongoing visit. This was George W. Bush. But Bush visited Gothenburg, not Stockholm.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Fallschirmjäger and Gebirgsjäger Trails 2013
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
More Time Travel in Finnish Lapland
Made in Dresden and only use it with petrol, but what is it?
Early this summer two friends and I decided to again visit a former German WWII base in Finnish Lapland, that I have blogged about before. We revisited some sites and found some new ones. Let me immediately say that we did not trespass into any forbidden areas. Still, one should be very careful and to be completely safe not step on or lift anything rusty. If you still do so, let me clearly state that it is on your own risk and what everyone, including experienced folks, should always avoid, is touching mortar or artillery rounds. Also, leave the stuff for others to see, and report large rounds to local authorities.
One of several places with lots of German gas mask containers. Most very rusty but some with remains of paint
Hundreds of rusting Wehrmacht snow shoes in a heap. BTW I have seen very few photos of them in actual use.
Yes, these are WWII cartridges on the ground in 2013, thousands of them, in one place.
Remains of a bayonet holder. Although it looks dug it is not, thousands of pieces of kit are on the ground. Many have been here before though, so do not expect to find anything in good condition.
Finnish 1960s book about the Finnish Armed Forces, picked up for small sum in local 2nd hand store. Inside many photos of soldiers with both German and Soviet weapons.
I am still not keen to divulge the exact locations (also takes away part of the sport if I do), but let me give you a recommendation, the best place to stay and perhaps get some search tips is this cozy hotel.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
The Files That Were Burned Thrice
Thanks to a tip from author Johanna Parikka Altenstedt I just became aware of that Finnish media have announced that the remains of Finnish WWII intelligence legend Reino Hallamaa are to return to Finland in a few week´s time. This means that the Stella Polaris intelligence operation, of great significance also for Sweden, will again be in focus of Finnish society and perhaps we even will learn something more about this spectacular operation?
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Hard Power, At Any Cost?
71 seconds from last week´s record snap drills in Russia.
Last week´s enormous snap drills in Russia and the news about greater US-Russian involvement in the war in Syria have yet to be reacted upon by the Swedish government, at least openly. While we are waiting for reactions we might consider what Sergei Witte, prime minister of the Russian Empire, said a hundred years ago about the importance of hard power:
In truth, what is it that has essentially upheld Russian statehood? Not only primarily, but exclusively the army. Who created the Russian Empire, transforming the semi-Asiatic Muscovite tsardom into the most influential, most dominant, grandest European power? Only the power of the army's bayonet. The world bowed not to our culture, not to our bureaucratized church, not to our wealth and prosperity. It bowed to our might.
In other words, soft power could never substitute for traditional hard power. The big question now is if anyone in today´s Russian political elite has any other opinion than Sergei Witte?
Second big question: are the costs for obtaining greater hard power in today´s world truly irrelevant? Kazimierz Waliszewski wrote on the essence of Russia: "the readiness and power to ignore the cost in obtaining a desired result". Does this apply just as much today?
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Making of "The Victors" in Sweden
This is how "The Victors" starts.
I am proud to have contributed to the latest issue of my favourite British journal, After the Battle. More precisely to the Swedish part of the amazing making-of story "The Victors" by Trevor Popple.
The story is about Carl Foreman's directorial debut, the quite controversial WWII movie "The Victors". Foreman is much better known for his scripts for "High Noon" and "The Bridge on the River Kwai". "The Victors" was an attempt at portraying the US Army in WWII Europe in a highly realistic way. GIs are shown worn out by battle and sometimes even cruel. The movie is still very much worth seeing and in some ways, I believe, is more realistic than many recent WWII movies.
This fall it is exactly 50 years since the movie was first released. For Swedes it is of particular interest as the winter scenes were filmed in Sweden, in the province of Jämtland. That is of course where I provided some small services to Trevor Poppple, who has put amazing amounts of research into the article and describes not only the filming, including memories of the living Swedish extras, but also shows what the sites of the production are like today.
If you are not able to find the just released issue no. 160 of After the Battle where you live, then order it via the After the Battle website.
I am proud to have contributed to the latest issue of my favourite British journal, After the Battle. More precisely to the Swedish part of the amazing making-of story "The Victors" by Trevor Popple.
The story is about Carl Foreman's directorial debut, the quite controversial WWII movie "The Victors". Foreman is much better known for his scripts for "High Noon" and "The Bridge on the River Kwai". "The Victors" was an attempt at portraying the US Army in WWII Europe in a highly realistic way. GIs are shown worn out by battle and sometimes even cruel. The movie is still very much worth seeing and in some ways, I believe, is more realistic than many recent WWII movies.
This fall it is exactly 50 years since the movie was first released. For Swedes it is of particular interest as the winter scenes were filmed in Sweden, in the province of Jämtland. That is of course where I provided some small services to Trevor Poppple, who has put amazing amounts of research into the article and describes not only the filming, including memories of the living Swedish extras, but also shows what the sites of the production are like today.
If you are not able to find the just released issue no. 160 of After the Battle where you live, then order it via the After the Battle website.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Trailer for the Russian TV-series SMERSH with English subs!
SMERSH, from SMERt' SHpionam meaning spies must die, is my fav Russian acronym. If we get a new cat I may even suggest we name it SMERSH...
SMERSH, from SMERt' SHpionam meaning spies must die, is my fav Russian acronym. If we get a new cat I may even suggest we name it SMERSH...
Monday, May 06, 2013
Ghost Patrol World Tour Starts!

With WWII Lapland ranger veteran Sten Losenborg. PHOTO: Thorbjörn Wikström
Had a good time yesterday talking about Ghost Patrol at the Defence Museum in Boden. It was especially nice to see a WWII Lapland ranger veteran in the auditorium, Sten Losenborg (see above). At the lecture I showed photos, some genuine WWII desert gear, answered questions and made an announcement that I will now repeat.
My co-author Karl-Gunnar Norén and I are proud to announce that we have taken a first step in selling language rights for Ghost Patrol abroad. In which language Ghost Patrol will appear first is a bit too early to announce but in due time there will be more details here. As for now, have a look at this new LRDG expedition video produced by Toby Savage:
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
New Third Reich TV Drama
This looks special.
From the most impressive trailers I can understand the interest in the new German TV drama "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" (Our Mothers, Our Fathers) that is right now stirring up German interest in WWII and the Third Reich.
From the most impressive trailers I can understand the interest in the new German TV drama "Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" (Our Mothers, Our Fathers) that is right now stirring up German interest in WWII and the Third Reich.
Monday, March 11, 2013
Finnish Long Range Patrol Controversy

The two latest books about Finnish long range patrols during WWII.
The long range patrolmen were the elite of the Finnish armed forces during WWII. The distances they crossed and other difficulties they overcame still today fascinate not only Finnish students of military history. Recently two books about them have been published outside Finland, with very different angles.
Operaatio Hokki (Operation Hokki) by Finnish author Mikko Porvali was published in Finnish in 2011 and in Swedish a few months ago as Bakom Röda arméns linjer (Behind the Lines of the Red Army). It is a detailed account of the last operation of the long range patrolmen, which was also Finland´s largest airborne operation. The book contains a great deal of new information and photographs from this little known operation.
Petrovsky Yam by Russian author Petr Repnikov is the most recent book about the patrols and is focused on another operation led by the same Ilmari Honkanen who was in command during Operation Hokki. Petr Repnikov presents a number of new documents and photographs about the in Finland most famous long range patrol raid against Petrovsky Yam. Repnikov proves that, aside from the supply depot and regular Red Army soldiers, the Finnish patrolmen also killed 28 medics and 9 of their patients in a hospital as well as 15 civilians. Repnikov criticizes Finnish historians for not having brought up this dark side of the famous raid. However, I would say that Repnikov incorrectly portrays Mikko Porvali, the author of the previously mentioned book. Porvali does in fact mention, on page 18 of the Swedish translation of his book, that also a Soviet hospital was attacked by the patrolmen. Porvali therefore considers the Petrovsky Yam raid only a partial success, pointing out how the attack against the hospital provided Soviet wartime propaganda with arguments.
But what about the awareness at the time, that is the awareness of the long range patrolmen? Could they, before the attack started, make out any red cross emblems in the February night? Here Repnikov and Porvali hold conflicting views.
The debate will continue when Petr Repnikov´s book will appear in Finnish, with comments by some Finnish historians. I understand this will happen in the near future.
Carl-Fredrik Geust, one of Finland´s most well-respected war historians, recently appeared in Russian local Karelian press about his view on Petrovsky Yam. His view is also not in Petr Repnikov´s book, but for a good reason. The book appeared before Geust´s visit and was in fact the reason for it. Well, Petrovsky Yam will no doubt continue to be debated.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
New Narvik Books

Trond with the book from 1941 that I had never seen before.
Thanks to guide work I got the opportunity to briefly visit Narvik yesterday, and thus I could for the first time visit Trond Kristiansen's military history book shop, which has recently moved to the main street of Narvik.
Trond could show me several amazing books that I had never even heard of before, like the above original wartime produced book Wacht am Fjord (Guard of the Fjord). Trond not only sells the interesting books that his publishing company produces, he sells all kinds of military history, new and old. His prices are usually the lowest in Norway. Plus you get to chat with Trond, who knows a great deal about the history of the Narvik area. Looking forward to my next visit because I did not have time to see more than a fraction of the books.

Monday, March 04, 2013
Vikings and Wikings
A clip from what could be called the first viking movie, the German "Die Niebelungen: Siegfried" (1924).
The Swedish directed (Johan Renck) TV drama "Vikings" has its premiere in Sweden today on HBO Nordic. Well, about time a Swedish director did something about the vikings.
Next year it will be 90 years since the first "viking movie" (sort of) was made, Fritz Lang´s "Die Niebelungen: Siegfried". Some scenes in that movie are said to have inspired one Mr. Hitler, or was it Albert Speer, or both of them? Perhaps scenes like the above one?
There have since been several American, British and three Icelandic films - the last of which was partly Swedish, it was called "The White Viking" (1991). But as far I know it is only now, with the new "Vikings", that a Swedish director, Johan Renck, has directed a viking story that is not a comedy (in 2010 the Swedish viking comedy "Sweaty Beards" was released). BTW "Vikings" is also starring a Swede, Gustaf Skarsgård as Floki. Skarsgård was most recently in the Oscar-nominated "Kon-Tiki" where he did a great job if you ask me.
Why did it take so long for us? There is a similar case with the wikings of the SS, that only in 2006 appeared in a Swedish film, "Frostbite". I have no clear answer, but sense that it may have something to do with the rarely discussed complex that until very recently made the more than 23,000 Swedish citizens who volunteered for or were drafted by other nations between 1914 and 1945 almost invisible, even in their home country.
No, I have not seen "Vikings" yet but I understand realism has not been a top priority. I find that a bit sad. Hopefully, someone out there feels the challenge to make the first realistic Swedish viking movie...
The Swedish directed (Johan Renck) TV drama "Vikings" has its premiere in Sweden today on HBO Nordic. Well, about time a Swedish director did something about the vikings.
Next year it will be 90 years since the first "viking movie" (sort of) was made, Fritz Lang´s "Die Niebelungen: Siegfried". Some scenes in that movie are said to have inspired one Mr. Hitler, or was it Albert Speer, or both of them? Perhaps scenes like the above one?
There have since been several American, British and three Icelandic films - the last of which was partly Swedish, it was called "The White Viking" (1991). But as far I know it is only now, with the new "Vikings", that a Swedish director, Johan Renck, has directed a viking story that is not a comedy (in 2010 the Swedish viking comedy "Sweaty Beards" was released). BTW "Vikings" is also starring a Swede, Gustaf Skarsgård as Floki. Skarsgård was most recently in the Oscar-nominated "Kon-Tiki" where he did a great job if you ask me.
Why did it take so long for us? There is a similar case with the wikings of the SS, that only in 2006 appeared in a Swedish film, "Frostbite". I have no clear answer, but sense that it may have something to do with the rarely discussed complex that until very recently made the more than 23,000 Swedish citizens who volunteered for or were drafted by other nations between 1914 and 1945 almost invisible, even in their home country.
No, I have not seen "Vikings" yet but I understand realism has not been a top priority. I find that a bit sad. Hopefully, someone out there feels the challenge to make the first realistic Swedish viking movie...
Saturday, February 09, 2013
Koreans in German WWII Service
How could a Korean end up serving in the German Wehrmacht in Normandy?
"My Way" is the first movie about Koreans in the German Wehrmacht. It might seem like a weird fantasy, but there were actually such cases, the most well documented one being Yang Kyoungjong. Perhaps the time is ripe for films about non-Germans in German uniform?
Recently I saw the Russian movie "Paradox Soldiers" that is partially about Ukrainians in the Waffen-SS. Before that one there was "Frostbite" that touches on the subject of Nordics in the Waffen-SS. Going further back there was "Soldier of Orange" with Rutger Hauer (!) that has some Dutch soldiers of the Waffen-SS in the story. But none of these movies deeply explores the subject of non-Germans in German service. There is hardly anything in them about motives for joining or the reasons for being conscripted. What about "My Way" then? Well, I have not seen it yet, only the above trailer. The film has reached Sweden on DVD, but here it is called "My War". I guess the distributors here thought "My Way" was too Sinatra. I will check it out eventually. Perhaps someone reading this has already seen it?
Considering the many men from Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (not just Cossacks), Spain etc in German uniform - why has there not yet been made a movie about them, or have I missed something? Note, I mean regular movies, not documentaries.
"My Way" is the first movie about Koreans in the German Wehrmacht. It might seem like a weird fantasy, but there were actually such cases, the most well documented one being Yang Kyoungjong. Perhaps the time is ripe for films about non-Germans in German uniform?
Recently I saw the Russian movie "Paradox Soldiers" that is partially about Ukrainians in the Waffen-SS. Before that one there was "Frostbite" that touches on the subject of Nordics in the Waffen-SS. Going further back there was "Soldier of Orange" with Rutger Hauer (!) that has some Dutch soldiers of the Waffen-SS in the story. But none of these movies deeply explores the subject of non-Germans in German service. There is hardly anything in them about motives for joining or the reasons for being conscripted. What about "My Way" then? Well, I have not seen it yet, only the above trailer. The film has reached Sweden on DVD, but here it is called "My War". I guess the distributors here thought "My Way" was too Sinatra. I will check it out eventually. Perhaps someone reading this has already seen it?
Considering the many men from Belgium, Estonia, Latvia, Russia (not just Cossacks), Spain etc in German uniform - why has there not yet been made a movie about them, or have I missed something? Note, I mean regular movies, not documentaries.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Behind the Death Star
This is how the BBC did the death star news.
Being a Star Wars fan I of course had a good laugh at the witty response of the White House to the Death Star petition. BTW, Death Star is a bit vulgar, as true fans know. The actual name is DS-1 Orbital Battle Station...
To talk about something more serious but still Star Wars-sounding, I´d like to bring up A2/AD. Yes, it does sound like an uncle of a certain droid (R2-D2) but it is something very real that is driving military strategy, not least the strategy of the United States. What A2/AD means is anti-access/area denial weapons (capabilities) and I just read a great piece about their impact, in Foreign Affairs: "Strategy in a Time of Austerity". In the same issue (Nov/Dec 2012) there is an extremely topical article about US China strategy: "The Problem With the Pivot". The latter is a most interesting background to yesterday´s bad news from the East China Sea.
Being a Star Wars fan I of course had a good laugh at the witty response of the White House to the Death Star petition. BTW, Death Star is a bit vulgar, as true fans know. The actual name is DS-1 Orbital Battle Station...
To talk about something more serious but still Star Wars-sounding, I´d like to bring up A2/AD. Yes, it does sound like an uncle of a certain droid (R2-D2) but it is something very real that is driving military strategy, not least the strategy of the United States. What A2/AD means is anti-access/area denial weapons (capabilities) and I just read a great piece about their impact, in Foreign Affairs: "Strategy in a Time of Austerity". In the same issue (Nov/Dec 2012) there is an extremely topical article about US China strategy: "The Problem With the Pivot". The latter is a most interesting background to yesterday´s bad news from the East China Sea.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Next Up: Plane Duel?
One of the latest Chinese reports about the escalating conflict in the East China Sea.
Two weeks ago I wrote that "I reckon that the East China Sea holds the greatest dangers during 2013".
To my horror, things are going in that direction. Sweden, where I live, may be very distant from the East China Sea, but I do not think a degree in geopolitics, economics and military strategy (I have none of those BTW) is necessary to realize that the repercussions of even just a plane duel between China and Japan could be grave not only for the Pacific region. Such a duel now, sadly, seems quite plausible.
As is mentioned in the above linked article, the US Marine Corps detachment on Okinawa is not that far away from the centre of this dispute. As I wrote in Swedes at War there was a Swedish volunteer who took part in the final WWII battle for Okinawa. I met this gentleman, John Paul, in the 1980s and am later this year writing a book with a full chapter about his highly unusual experiences in China and in US naval service against Japan.
Two weeks ago I wrote that "I reckon that the East China Sea holds the greatest dangers during 2013".
To my horror, things are going in that direction. Sweden, where I live, may be very distant from the East China Sea, but I do not think a degree in geopolitics, economics and military strategy (I have none of those BTW) is necessary to realize that the repercussions of even just a plane duel between China and Japan could be grave not only for the Pacific region. Such a duel now, sadly, seems quite plausible.
As is mentioned in the above linked article, the US Marine Corps detachment on Okinawa is not that far away from the centre of this dispute. As I wrote in Swedes at War there was a Swedish volunteer who took part in the final WWII battle for Okinawa. I met this gentleman, John Paul, in the 1980s and am later this year writing a book with a full chapter about his highly unusual experiences in China and in US naval service against Japan.
Friday, January 11, 2013
The Most Expensive Cuff Title?
German WWI cuff title kept in a museum in Gibraltar.
While looking for something else I stumbled upon this photo of a German WWI cuff title that I must have photographed in 1987, when I hitch-hiked Stockholm-Gibraltar-Stockholm.
I have always liked cuff titles, i.e. not collecting them as I have never had that kind of money (reproductions don't interest me), but just seeing them and learning about their history. I reckon the above one must be one of the most rare and expensive ones there is. I do not recall the name of the museum I found it in on Gibraltar but I think it was the main museum of the rock.
But why the Swedish colours???
While looking for something else I stumbled upon this photo of a German WWI cuff title that I must have photographed in 1987, when I hitch-hiked Stockholm-Gibraltar-Stockholm.
I have always liked cuff titles, i.e. not collecting them as I have never had that kind of money (reproductions don't interest me), but just seeing them and learning about their history. I reckon the above one must be one of the most rare and expensive ones there is. I do not recall the name of the museum I found it in on Gibraltar but I think it was the main museum of the rock.
But why the Swedish colours???
Wednesday, January 09, 2013
Stalingrad 1943-2013
From the set of the coming 3D IMAX movie "Stalingrad".
In three weeks it will be 70 years since the German surrender at Stalingrad. I had a small role in the translation of a book about the battle of Stalingrad, A Writer at War by Antony Beevor and Luba Vinogradova.
A Writer at War is a book about the author of the epic Stalingrad novel Life and Fate, Vasily Grossman. Le Monde called Life and Fate "the greatest Russian novel of the twentieth century". Comparisons have also been made abroad to War and Peace. In Sweden, however, I do not recall that the release of the new Swedish edition of Life and Fate resulted in much publicity. But on December 27, Sweden´s leading newspaper published this article by Roger Fjellström that describes the tragic and amazing story behind the manuscript that became Life and Fate.
Well, better late than never. And I suppose the same thing can be said about the making of the answer to Oliver Stone´s "JFK". The answer is called, like the book it is based on, "The Kennedy Detail". The filming will start in March and the director is my Californian relative Stephen Gyllenhaal. I am almost as keen to watch the coming Russian 3D and IMAX movie "Stalingrad", although I am no fan of 3D.
P.S. You might want to read what I have written about the German Stalingrad posters in Norway, in case you have not already read that post.
In three weeks it will be 70 years since the German surrender at Stalingrad. I had a small role in the translation of a book about the battle of Stalingrad, A Writer at War by Antony Beevor and Luba Vinogradova.
A Writer at War is a book about the author of the epic Stalingrad novel Life and Fate, Vasily Grossman. Le Monde called Life and Fate "the greatest Russian novel of the twentieth century". Comparisons have also been made abroad to War and Peace. In Sweden, however, I do not recall that the release of the new Swedish edition of Life and Fate resulted in much publicity. But on December 27, Sweden´s leading newspaper published this article by Roger Fjellström that describes the tragic and amazing story behind the manuscript that became Life and Fate.
Well, better late than never. And I suppose the same thing can be said about the making of the answer to Oliver Stone´s "JFK". The answer is called, like the book it is based on, "The Kennedy Detail". The filming will start in March and the director is my Californian relative Stephen Gyllenhaal. I am almost as keen to watch the coming Russian 3D and IMAX movie "Stalingrad", although I am no fan of 3D.
P.S. You might want to read what I have written about the German Stalingrad posters in Norway, in case you have not already read that post.
Wednesday, January 02, 2013
The Swedish One-Week Army
We may have some world-class recruitment ads, but what will there be left to join in 2014?
Sweden's top general ended 2012 by publicly stating that the Swedish Armed Forces can only defend against one minor attack and only for one week. The Swedish Minister for Defense then conceded that Swedish security policy is basically wishful thinking.
Of course, Minister of Defense Karin Enström did not use such words, but that was the essence of what she said. On top of that, our top general, Sverker Göranson, verified to our nation's one and only defense correspondent, Mikael Holmström, that he still believes it may be necessary to scrap a full branch of the Swedish Armed Forces, due to the defense policy of the Swedish government. Personally, I think the most serious deficiency of the policy is not a lack of funding but what is behind it, a lack of interest and consequently also understanding.
I believe there is little more General Göranson could do except resign in protest.
To say that the above disturbs me is putting it very mildly. Sadly, the civil defense of Sweden is hardly in any better condition. In fact, the Swedish state seems to even lack basic ideas about how to tackle a severe global crisis of some sort.
Strangely enough, our media has largely failed to report that our closest neighbour, Norway, is doing the opposite, spending more on defense during recent years and especially improving training, even prolonging the basic training period for conscripts at the northernmost border. In fact, last fall Norway even established a new branch of the Norwegian Armed Forces, the Norwegian Cyber Force.
The Swedish Armed Forces has three branches, Army, Navy and Air Force. For now.
Sweden's top general ended 2012 by publicly stating that the Swedish Armed Forces can only defend against one minor attack and only for one week. The Swedish Minister for Defense then conceded that Swedish security policy is basically wishful thinking.
Of course, Minister of Defense Karin Enström did not use such words, but that was the essence of what she said. On top of that, our top general, Sverker Göranson, verified to our nation's one and only defense correspondent, Mikael Holmström, that he still believes it may be necessary to scrap a full branch of the Swedish Armed Forces, due to the defense policy of the Swedish government. Personally, I think the most serious deficiency of the policy is not a lack of funding but what is behind it, a lack of interest and consequently also understanding.
I believe there is little more General Göranson could do except resign in protest.
To say that the above disturbs me is putting it very mildly. Sadly, the civil defense of Sweden is hardly in any better condition. In fact, the Swedish state seems to even lack basic ideas about how to tackle a severe global crisis of some sort.
Strangely enough, our media has largely failed to report that our closest neighbour, Norway, is doing the opposite, spending more on defense during recent years and especially improving training, even prolonging the basic training period for conscripts at the northernmost border. In fact, last fall Norway even established a new branch of the Norwegian Armed Forces, the Norwegian Cyber Force.
The Swedish Armed Forces has three branches, Army, Navy and Air Force. For now.
Tuesday, January 01, 2013
Hitler News of 2013
Wartime newsreel showing Hitler meeting Croatian fascist leader Ante Pavelic. The latter made it to Argentina, hardly the former.
The well-established Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post on Saturday wrote about a coming Israeli documentary film, "Revealed: Hitler in Argentina". The film will no doubt result in more articles about it during 2013. Here is my take.
"Revealed: Hitler in Argentina" is inspired by the book Hitler’s Escape by Patrick Burnside, but the Israeli filmmakers have added research of their own, all according to the Jerusalem Post article. However, as I have read the book Grey Wolf (2011) by the British authors Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams, I am struck by the similarities with that book. From the JP article and the trailer it links to it seems quite clear to me that "Revealed: Hitler in Argentina" and the coming book by Burnside differ not that much from Grey Wolf.
One does get a thousand or so facts from reading the sometimes exciting Grey Wolf but, ultimately, it is a mystery to me why the authors, one of whom (Simon Dunstan) has written a long list of serious books on military history, chose to release this book as a serious book and not semi-fiction. Because aside from facts and some sane conclusions the book contains a long row of unbelievable statements and conspiracy theories. Simply put unconvincing when it comes to the most important parts, the escape via Denmark (remember, there is always a Nordic connection!) and Argentinian aftermath.
What is highly interesting is how and why Argentina and other South American states actually did harbour so many Third Reich mass murderers, not least Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann and Croatia's own Hitler, Ante Pavelic. Grey Wolf contains some passages about these as well as the less known SS-general Ludolf von Alvensleben. However, these and some Berlin 1945 parts can't save the book.
As I see no indication of the coming film and book doing a better job than Grey Wolf in presenting basically the same story, I have grave doubts about them.
The well-established Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post on Saturday wrote about a coming Israeli documentary film, "Revealed: Hitler in Argentina". The film will no doubt result in more articles about it during 2013. Here is my take.
"Revealed: Hitler in Argentina" is inspired by the book Hitler’s Escape by Patrick Burnside, but the Israeli filmmakers have added research of their own, all according to the Jerusalem Post article. However, as I have read the book Grey Wolf (2011) by the British authors Simon Dunstan and Gerrard Williams, I am struck by the similarities with that book. From the JP article and the trailer it links to it seems quite clear to me that "Revealed: Hitler in Argentina" and the coming book by Burnside differ not that much from Grey Wolf.
One does get a thousand or so facts from reading the sometimes exciting Grey Wolf but, ultimately, it is a mystery to me why the authors, one of whom (Simon Dunstan) has written a long list of serious books on military history, chose to release this book as a serious book and not semi-fiction. Because aside from facts and some sane conclusions the book contains a long row of unbelievable statements and conspiracy theories. Simply put unconvincing when it comes to the most important parts, the escape via Denmark (remember, there is always a Nordic connection!) and Argentinian aftermath.
What is highly interesting is how and why Argentina and other South American states actually did harbour so many Third Reich mass murderers, not least Josef Mengele, Adolf Eichmann and Croatia's own Hitler, Ante Pavelic. Grey Wolf contains some passages about these as well as the less known SS-general Ludolf von Alvensleben. However, these and some Berlin 1945 parts can't save the book.
As I see no indication of the coming film and book doing a better job than Grey Wolf in presenting basically the same story, I have grave doubts about them.
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