The OSS NORSO Group memorial in Lien as it is today. PHOTO: Mats Hurtig
The only memorial in Sweden to the memory of a WWII Allied special forces unit has just been refurbished. The background to this unique place is explained in this previous post.
Lien is a tiny place, but look on the map for Krokom, the main town in the municipality, and you will find the area. I reckon that still today, if you ask around in Lien, you will find one or two people who as kids experienced the dramatic day when foreign paratroopers landed. At first they did not know if they were German or Allied soldiers...
PHOTO: Mats Hurtig.
Thank you, Mats Hurtig from Krokom, for contributing these photos!
There are at least three places called Lien in the immediate vicinity of Krokom. This Lien is the one next to Landösjön.